Cindy Savageau

Cindy Savageau

Cindy Savageau

Email Address

About you Child Care We are a loving, playful, crazy daycare. We like to dance silly to old music, play with tinker toys, build forts, bake cookies, Oh! Yeah! We do circle time, little Spanish, sign language, time, jingles, flash cards and more. We love to play outside and chalk on the driveway. We have a very large yard to play in. We have been doing kitchen science, that has been very interesting. We have a Swing set with slide, glider, and tower, small rock climbing wall, and a sand box.

Infant Openings: Yes

Toddler Openings: Yes

Preschool Openings: Yes

Schoolage Openings: Yes

Address 4671 Martindale St. N.E.
PriorLake, MN 55372

Phone Number 0(612) 432-9518